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Who we are

Maile Jewelry started in 1987 in Honolulu, Hawaii. Experienced local retail store served tourists and offered them an unforgettable experience. In 2002, the company relocated to Lorton, VA. Over the decades since, client could meet Maile Jewelry at tradeshows in the United States such as International Gem & Jewelry Show, Inc. In 2020, Maile Jewelry has grown to become an online jewelry shop and is currently serving loyal customers remotely.

Maile Leaf

The Maile (my-lay) leaf grows deep in the rain forests of Maui, Kaua’I and Hawai’I (the Big Island) and is native to Hawai’i. In ancient Hawaiian times the Maile was used on the battle field as a peace offering and were also worn by the Ali’I (Royalty).
Today these fragrant lei are worn during ceremonies like weddings, graduations or any special occasion. They are still a powerful element of the honor of the Hawaiian ancestors as they are represented in songs and worn during hula dances. The hula goddess Laka rules over the four Maile demigoddess sisters, who represent the four varieties of the leaf.
When you wear your Maile jewelry you wear the Aloha (love) and Ho’ohanohano (honor) of Hawai’i.

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